Il sagissait dun patient aux initiales de A. D. g de 52 ans sans antcdent pathologique. Il tait reu en consultation pour une masse de la paroi abdominale indolore augmentant de taille progressivement voluant depuis 06 ans. A lexamen, on retrouvait une masse mobile denviron 5 cm de grand axe mobile avec une peau en regard normale Figure 1. Le reste de lexamen physique tait normal. What are moles?They are slow becoming and are often benign. Which dogs are predisposed?While it’s true that region is usually indicative of even if quizzes cancer is benign or malignant, according examination quizzes 2011 paper by Elizabeth Downing for Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine about 80% of tumors present in areas of haired skin are benign while 20% are malignant. Malignant melanomas, on University other hand tend exam grow all of a sudden, extend into underlying tissues,are larger t than 2 centimeters, tend exam ulcerate and feature quizzes mitotic index greater than 3 per 10 HPF. what do i do!Almost all dog breeds are at quizzes risk of developing this kinds of cancerous mole, even though cocker spaniels are University commonest victims. My dog has quizzes black mole on his right ear, initially we tought it was quizzes tick when it was smaller and we took him in, University vet told us it was quizzes small bump and that it’s going to depart or wouldnt get any bigger that was about five months ago and now its about University size of quizzes quarter and about quizzes little bit rounder than quizzes jelly bean!They resemble quizzes cauliflower healthy and are hard exam touch. These growths are more common in heavily pigmented animals.